Inveti sa iti fie frica si sa nu mai fii niciodata vulnerabil in fata altcuiva - inveti sa lasi sa se vada doar ceea ce nu se poate intoarce impotriva ta; inveti sa nu mai fii tu cu adevarat, sa te cenzurezi. Sau inveti ca nimeni nu este perfect si iti asumi totusi riscul de a suferi, in loc sa nu mai simti nimic...
Un prieten a scris mai bine decat pot sa redau eu in proza:
it's hard to believe in all you achieve when all you receive is pain
i'm sure everyone everyday feels the same
it's a shame when all your dreams get tamed
and you still hope deep inside you'll end up side by side of love
but living in a bad dream sad ever after
it's just the thing i call disaster.
and you're still searching the perfect time for a better life
but the edge of the knife is sharp ass hell
things don't go well and there's no shell
to take on the hits you get
while time flies and you regret
all those tears heart aches
it's hard to pay for your mistakes.
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